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Catholic Church Greater Bern


Grant Application Form

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Grant submission forms

Before submitting a Grant Application form to the Catholic Church Greater Bern, please read the the following information carefully:

  • Please select the grant application form which is applicable for the differents foundations;
  • Please read carefully all instructions provided;
  • Each form contains explanations on how to fill in the requested information.
  • Before submitting the form, you are able to "save and exit" the form. Make sure to "validate and send" the application at the final screen "Summary";
  • Before submitting your application form, re-read it carefully on the "Summary" screen. If necessary, goback to the previous screens for updating the information;
  • The selection process starts after the final submission, respectively according the the submission dates of the corresponding foundation;
  • Each grant application will get validated corresponding to the legal and formal guidelines as well as to the corresponding timelines.